Here is an outline of what you will learn in Helen's HypnoBirthing® classes offered by Sacred Births™
Class 1: Building a Sacred Birthing Experience • Overview of HypnoBirthing, which we also refer to as meditative birthing • A history of women and birthing • The vocabulary for a calm and gentle birth • Power of the mind as it relates to birth • Establishing a relaxation routine •Anatomy and physiology of the uterus
Class 2: Bonding with Your Baby and Your Body • Visualizations and exercises for connecting with baby • Breathing techniques • Relaxation techniques • Light Touch massage • Exercises for toning and strengthening
Class 3: Preparing for a Relaxed Birth • Your body's perfect design • Deepening techniques and visualizations for labor and birth • Releasing limiting thoughts and fears •Birth preferences
Class 4: Overview and summary of childbirth • Birth simply explained • Hallmarks of labor • Special Circumstances •Review of breathing techniques
Class 5: Postpartum--the Fourth Trimester and Breastfeeding • Physical and emotional changes • Fertility and intimacy • Connecting with baby, oneself, partner, family, and community • Nourishment for mama and baby • Skin to skin •Latching